

Board of Trustees

 The Organization is guided by a Board of Trustees and run by a Board of Directors. In order to ensure maximum performance and accountability, the Board of Trustees is responsible in modifying the vision, mission and values of the Organization. It reviews the strategic and annual plans while it ensures the overall policy and governance directions of the organization. The BOT composes of 5 persons including the Chair. They appoint the Executive Director on every four years and Deputy Executive Directors on two year terms.

 Board of Directors

 The Board of Directors composes of 4 members including the Executive Director, two Deputy Directors and Auditor and they are appointed by the Board of Trustees and they run day to day affairs of the business. The board is directly accountable to the Trustees.

The board of directors’ key purpose is to ensure the organization’s prosperity by collectively directing the organization’s affairs, whilst meeting the appropriate interests of its stakeholders. Additionally, the boards of directors deals with challenges and issues relating to corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and corporate ethics.

Organizational Chart